survey vt. 1.眺望,俯瞰,环顾。 2.审视;通盘考虑[考察],观察(形势);概括,综合评述。 3.测量(土地),勘查,踏勘;检查,调查,鉴定。 vi. 测量(土地)。 n. 1.环顾。 2.概观;检查,鉴定书。 3.调查(表);调查所;测量;测量部;测量图。 a survey of English literature 英国文学概观。 make a survey of 测量;考察;调查,检查。
magnetic adj. 1.磁(性)的;(可)磁化的。 2.吸引人心的;有魅力的。 3.催眠术的。
Some metallic ores are found in the margins of batholiths and other intrusives which can be detailed under drift by magnetic surveys . 有些金属矿处于岩盘与其它侵入岩的边缘,磁力测量能够确定这些侵入岩的移动。
Magnetic surveys are useful in oil exploration only for determining basement depths so as to cast light on the existence and geometry of sedimentary basins . 磁力测量在石油勘探中的用途仅仅是为了确定基底深度,以便查明沉积盆地的存在及其几何形态。
Airborne magnetic survey 航空磁测
Aerial magnetic survey 航空磁测
Air magnetic survey 航空磁测
High precision magnetic survey has been carried out for many years , but the methods that used to process and inverse the data have not been improved 高精度磁测已经开展多年,但是高精度磁测资料的处理和反演仍然是使用传统的方法。
Based on the analysis of well drilling and physical property , using the high accuracy gravity and magnetic survey , the field modelling suvery depth , the seismic data , this paper makes a synthetic study of the paleozoic erathem interior lithology , lithofacies and their distribution rule 摘要在分析钻井、物性资料的基础上,利用高精度重磁力、建场测深、地震资料,综合研究了塔里木盆地英买力地区古生界内幕岩性、岩相及其分布规律。
Being a method of time - domain electrical magnetic surveying , the transient electromagnetic method ( tem ) can transmit first pulse electromagnetic field to underground making use of loop or electrical source and receive secondary induction field during of the pulse intermission 瞬变电磁法是一种时间域电磁测量方法,是利用不接地回线或接地线源向地下发送一次脉冲磁场,在一次脉冲磁场的间歇期间,采用不接地线圈接收感应二次磁场。
Surrounding these special problems met in gas hydrates exploration and through study of high - precision magnetic survey , the sea test by r / v haiyang 1y that is owned by guangzhou marine geological survey in dongsha area of the south china sea , systematical analysis of the test result and combination interpretation of magnetic survey with seismic profile , the authors successfully employ the method to recognize the truth or false of the diapir in seismic profile by integrating total field of high - precision marine magnetic measurement with its gradient change 本文就目前天然气水合物调查中存在的这些特殊技术问题,通过对海上高精度磁力测量技术方法研究、广州海洋地质调查局“海洋四号”船在南海北部东沙海域的海上试验、对试验结果的系统研究分析以及磁测和地震剖面两种手段的综合解释,成功地尝试了用高精度海洋磁测成果中的磁力总场和梯度变化特徵来识别水合物勘探中高分辨率地震剖面上的泥底辟构造真伪的技术方法。